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About me


It all started in 2017...

... this year the documentary film "Far. The Story of a Way Around the World" was released in cinemas and gave me the urge to explore the world in a similar way. This was followed by books like “Around the World with 50 Euros” and “The Hitchhiker to South America”, blogs like “Outhere” and many, many travel reports on paper and online.

I started with Spanish at school because South America had secretly become a dream destination in my head. I wanted equipment for birthdays and Christmas and spent five years writing a packing list that didn't end up containing everything. In addition to school and in the summer, I tried my hand at working as a waitress, logistician, quesedilla seller and cashier to create a little financial cushion for myself.

In September 2023 I backpacked through Ireland with my cousins for three weeks and also tried my first hitchhiking experiences - a test trip, if you will.

And now...?

Since November 2023 I have been fulfilling my dream and traveling west - armed only with my backpack.

To South America.

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